I have not been good with posting these past couple weeks, but that's because I have hardly had a moment to myself since I got home nearly two weeks ago. I think most of you know I started my Master's Programme the day after I returned from Malawi(!) and since then it has been a mad dash to get all get enrolled, get my courses right, get all my course readings, find my classes, sign up for the right tutorials...and it has been exhausting. But I just finished my first full week of classes and I am still alive! Haha.
And of course, I also had a lot of work to do post-Malawi in terms of writing up the notes from the research trip, tying up loose ends and then completing two very important funding applications...so, that was time consuming as well.
Also - while all this was going on, I was meant to be starting that new job I got at the care home up the street from us. After just one day there, I realized that it wasn't the right place for me. I think the biggest problem was that the job was too demanding...I just didn't think I could give it all that it required, emotionally, physically, etc - and also be 100% committed to my degree programme. As well, I didn't feel very welcomed by the staff, my new boss wasn't being very flexible with me, and it was just hard. So I quit - after just one day. And that was difficult for me, I don't easily give up. But I knew I didn't want to get involved there, go through the training, only to leave 2 months from now or something. So, that has also been difficult to deal with.
But now, two weeks later, the dust has settled and I'm starting to feel pretty good about life. Other than the fact that I'm supposed to be doing about 500 pages of reading a week, EEK! And it's also Fall - who doesn't love that first nip in the air? The leaves changing? It's my favorite season - by far, so I'm happy! I think I need to go bake something with pumpkin in it! Also - for anyone out there who likes a good recipe (I DO!) - a friend told me about another great recipe site:
She's not a professional cook, just a regular woman (what's the female version of "Average Joe? haha) But there are so many fun recipes on this site, especially if you have kids! Check out the Halloween cupcakes. The photography is also amazing...which I love.