Tuesday 19 August 2008

Bad News

Well, I guess the blog is for sharing happy events, as well as sad. Yesterday was pretty much the worst day of my life in memorable history. I went to my visa extension appointment (my spousal visa was only valid for two years), only to be told I couldn't have the visa I was applying for. My visa has now expired, I am an illegal immigrant in the UK and I can't leave the country or will not be allowed back in. How could this happen, you ask? It happened because of the misadvise of someone working at the UK Border Agency. Of course they are sorry for any inconvenience caused, they are going to reprimand the man who gave me the wrong advise. But are they going to help me? No. Expedite my application? No. I have to post it away (but I can't post if before next Wednesday)...and it will come back to me in 20 working days.

As some of you know, Andy and I were meant to be going to Sweden next weekend for a friend's wedding. Not going to happen. A few days after that, I was meant to be going to Malawi for 3 weeks to do the research trip for my project. Not going to happen. And now, I may not even be able to work next year. So that great job I got? Might not even start. I don't think I've ever felt so low - my life is just in pieces right now. More than anything, I'm upset about the project. I'm upset because we really needed this information and these meetings in order to create a solid foundation for this project...and now that's on hold. This is my future. My life! Oh yea, and my current employer isn't even sure if they can keep me on! They're a government agency, so employing people who don't have visas is a no-no.

Yes, I know. We have our health and we have eachother - but that doesn't change the fact that this is devestating. On so many levels. And the worst part is, it's not my fault! I'll keep you posted with what happens, but in the meantime...please pray for me! And also, does anyone have any idea what I should do for the three weeks I was meant to be in Malawi?!? I can't leave the country and I can't spend a lot of money and I can't work. That's your homework - GO! Haha.


Amber said...

Can you spend it getting ready for school, and doing as much research online and over the phone as possible? You could also go and invade Kebs's space and have baby cuddles for at least a day.

I know how much this sucks, and nothing Immigration in either country does EVER makes sense.


Ams x

Rachel said...

I think you should just move back home now and start popping out those babies! haha jk. but seriously, first and foremost, you should create a wesite for your project. i think that will really help people to be able to read up about it, and help in whatever ways you need. you said how difficult making a site would be, but youll have tons of time then to work on it. i know its not getting done what you needed to do in malawi, but it is something that will help your project.

Anonymous said...

How about baking?...

So sorry to hear this news. I hope it all gets cleared up quickly. I wonder if Andy can get more done for you since he has more "pull"?

Beth Laurie said...

I'm so sorry! That's terrible news.

Anonymous said...

Mags I'm so sorry to hear this horrible news and I hope things work out soon - they will you know, these things normally do - keep your pecker up!

Of course, you know you're always welcome in Norfolk and if it helps you can come and stay for as long as you want (you can be our cook!)
Sas, xx